Sunday, December 20, 2009

Its Obvious . We Aint Stupid Cupid .

Prom well ive got alot to say but so little mood to do it . Im one of those guys who likes to comment on things . Be straight forward most of the time . I know many people may go 'HEY u so smart know how to talk why dont you do it then'! .. Hahahah funny thing is it maybe true . I MAY not be able to do it thats why i don't do it in the first place .

First off all . I had lots of classmates planning this night and you guys did a GREAT JOB =) It was just those one or two who were the rotten apple in a basket full of perfect apples it you get what i mean . I for one felt it was okay i guess .

Never enjoyed formal things .

After party=more fun
Formal things= sit ,talk crap,act old , look like idiot.

I mean id do it once in awhile for those once in a life time special occasion but it just aint my thing .

There is so much more to do outside like outdoor stuff or even party rather than acting old,innocent and 'polite' while eating overpriced food .

I think this post is getting to long and im tired out of my mind from the stayover there WHICH i have had no sleep replacement and have to go diving tomorow .

Just wanted to say

I felt

Some Things



Signing out,

Uberownage XD pictures will be in derek's blog OFCOURSE .
Will write more on this ISSUE when i have time =)


Lisa said...

Having fun doing what you love is always better than....spending time like a robot and paying for it :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi. Was just passing by- thought i had to stop to tell you, the "overpriced food" part made me have a good laugh :D

Mari said...

Hey, I'm just flipping through blogs, but I just wanted to comment on how outspoken you are. I think that's really cool. It's always good to call it like you see it.

Colleen Courtney said...

I agree!

Anonymous said...

very funny,good job.Vendant les chaussures sport, notre objectif est d’établir un réseau complet fournissant des sports chaussures pas chères. Nous avons établi une bonne relation coopérative à long terme avec des sources de fabricants et avec des agents des sports chaussures, de plus, toutes les marchandises ont la garantie de qualité et de crédibilité, donc vous êtes rassuré de les acheter et les utiliser, nous n’épargnerons aucun effort pour vous donner notre services parfaits.

تسويق الكترونى said...

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Yang Kuo said...

Nous avons établi une bonne relation coopérative à long terme avec des sources de fabricants et avec des agents
