Saturday, May 16, 2009


Im a diving
A very enthusiastic diver .
What i love about the sea is that is jsut BEAUTIFUL
and the sea animal which most amazes me is sharks.

I remember i was at Sipadan once diving at baracuda point if i am not mistaken . I was staring at a White tip reef shark . It looks so calm . So smooth swimming in the sea . Soon after i didnt realise that i had gone down to 33 meters when the maximum depth was only 25 .

So anyways what im trying to say is . I ahve decided to stop eating sharks fins. Eventhough the amount i eat is at the very minimal which is like once a year . I have decided to stop cause it really is unhuman like to purposely slaughter such a beautiful sea creature jsut for the the taste in soup when actually the sharks fin does not give the soup its taste . Its waht you cook with it that matters . What changed my mind are these pictures . So i hope some of u would consider stopping to . over 100million sharks are killed for sharks fins in a year or so . It has lived for over 490 million years and control two thirds of the world .

Pictures are from

I have done my part to save the sharks . Hope others would 2 =)

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