Thursday, April 2, 2009

Internet Melt Down . Its Pissing me Of so Im gonna Piss ON You

So i went online today to send an email of pictures to a fried for a project and heres the thing . opening hotmail or any other mail was a struggle . it was SLOW . Its was Annoying . It was pissing me of .
So because streamyx pissed e off im gonna piss on them.

Hear me now and forever hold you peace.
To Streamyx
My dad pays you money to deliver us PROPER WORKING FAST internet BUT wjat you give us is what i liek to call shit that come out the PIGS butt . Yess . u heard me right . SHIT OUT OF THE PIGS BUTT .
Lemme explain why .
The PIG is your internet company .
The food that goes into the pig is the INTErNET CONNECTION
so lemme explain why there is shyt fo the butt of the pig

The internet reaches first the internet company signifying food .
After the internet is spread throughout the office the WORKERS THER DOWNLOAD PORN i believe
After downlaoding so mucha mounts of porn the internet line is cut in half and all he good internet line is absobed into the maddive download of porn in the office .
When the internet line is finished passing trough the company all the fast internet lines are used to downoad those horny little idiots porn and thus giving us crap internet or may i say THE CRUMBS of the internet .
So citizens of SABAH .
What are we paying streamyx for?
Is it internet?
Is it FAST internet?

We are actualy paying streamyx to subsiduzse to their massive porn downloading black market system whch they then sell porn at PETALING street and make money.

Caution:this is just a theory i made up cause im pissy .


In example
Imagine you paying a whore for sex.(might not be the cleanest example but hell its the best)
Ok so IMAGINE paying a whore for sex
A large amount of money
But in the end the whore does ot give you sex.
Does that make you happy horny people who download porn happy?

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