Saturday, April 18, 2009

Left 4 Dead and NewYorkNewYork

After doing the bm oral project me Chris Derek and Dunstan went to 1 Borneo for dinner at NewYorkNewYork . Had a Yankee burger with Buffalo Wings and a Meat Plater . Filling man . After that we went to play Left 4 Dead and this is how it went down .

Derek: I hear a tank everybody split up.
Joshua: Move Move Move
Christopher: COME! Come into the safe house! We close the door the Tank CANNOT come in one and we can shoot it from inside .
Derek and Joshua: You SURE?
Christopher : Gurantee it cannot come in one la .
*All of us go into the train safe house*
*Tanker comes and tears the door open*
Derek : Chris! YOu said he cannot come in!
Joshua: YalOH ! OH CRAP!
Christopher : Holy Shyt ! Nevermind he cannot fit though the doors into the small space in the train.
*Tanker manages to get into the train*
Derek and Joshua: CHRIS!
Christopher : HOLY CRAP HOLY CRAP! DIes . SHYT! My fault myfault that time i paly normal it cannot come in .

so anyways it was all in all good time .

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