Sunday, December 20, 2009

Its Obvious . We Aint Stupid Cupid .

Prom well ive got alot to say but so little mood to do it . Im one of those guys who likes to comment on things . Be straight forward most of the time . I know many people may go 'HEY u so smart know how to talk why dont you do it then'! .. Hahahah funny thing is it maybe true . I MAY not be able to do it thats why i don't do it in the first place .

First off all . I had lots of classmates planning this night and you guys did a GREAT JOB =) It was just those one or two who were the rotten apple in a basket full of perfect apples it you get what i mean . I for one felt it was okay i guess .

Never enjoyed formal things .

After party=more fun
Formal things= sit ,talk crap,act old , look like idiot.

I mean id do it once in awhile for those once in a life time special occasion but it just aint my thing .

There is so much more to do outside like outdoor stuff or even party rather than acting old,innocent and 'polite' while eating overpriced food .

I think this post is getting to long and im tired out of my mind from the stayover there WHICH i have had no sleep replacement and have to go diving tomorow .

Just wanted to say

I felt

Some Things



Signing out,

Uberownage XD pictures will be in derek's blog OFCOURSE .
Will write more on this ISSUE when i have time =)

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Long time no post

So sorry guys its been a long time before i had a post or a NORMAL post XD I am near to the end of SPM and its getting exciting . Holidays are on its way and a new school with new people(kinda) is up ahead =) Dont you jsut love new begginings XD not new moon ah . NEW BEGININGS XD
Plans for after SPM is very shaky . With guests coming to stay in my house which complicates things and plans that are still on hold . But atleast one thing is for sure ! The plan is confirmed =) This holiday my sisters are coming back so its more of family time maybe . not so sure whats going on but ill take a day at a time XD Chemistry is the last subject for SPM on Tuesday and im abit rusty due to the whole 3 weeks concentrating on the other 9 subjects . My objective scores are back to normal now half way through subjective . Paper 3 is okay 2 =)
Anyways i got to go . How everyone found SPM smooth and good +) tata

Friday, October 30, 2009

Are We That Dumb?

Are we that dumb? to drive ourselves to the brink of extinction of our species ? Imagine this . When God made all the animals in the world . Imagine the animals we have now is only 5% of the previous numbers of species of animals . What made us different? A little skinny ape with no super hearing , lack of muscles and less athletic than any other animal on Earth . What made us superiors of this world? Its that thing that is in our skull that invented something called the future . We could think logically and realise that what we do no will affect the future . Somewhere along the line or evolution we seem to have forgotten that. We have a tendency to see the future for our work ,how to make the most profit , how to get that girl . But when it comes to the environment we grab whatever we can . We dont think what happens . When people tell us the world will end if we keep doing this all we do is block out the fact that we are driving ourselves to the brink of extinction .

Whales are very low in population
Sharks numbers have declined ATLEAST 90% the past decade with over 100million sharks killed each year
Whalesharks number are declining

We mess up the predators, WE mess up the system .
70% of the oxygen in our air comes from planktons in water did you know that?
Deforestation is not our biggest problem , its the polutions of the sea

Chinese people think drinking sharksfins gives strength and is good for the health because they think sharks cannot get sick.
DO you know sharks canget cancer?
Do you know that eating sharksfin has bad effects on your health rather thatn good? Sharks have mercury due to our polution .

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Sea Sheperd

I am a total supporter of Sea Sheperd to save the whales . Although their tactics and ways of stopping whale hunting has been questioned to be ethical or not i believe everything they do is for a good reason . Japanese have been killing whales for food consumption although it is banned to eat whales as it is an endangered species such as the Humpback whale and the blue whales especially in the Southern Hemisphere . To undercut the ban on whale hunting Japanese vessels have painted the word RESEARCH on the whaling ships and claim to take up whales for research which actually allowed but they dont research the whale . They harpoon it and say its for research , Transfer it to the processing vessel to be cut into pieces and is sold in markets trhoughout Japan LEGALLY as the ban states that any part of a whales cannot go to waste after being caught for RESEARCH . Humpback whale population have been estimated to be under 40000 from a number of 125000 before whaling began . The Japanese whaling team consists of 5 ships , 2 of which ar harpooning ships , 2 processing ships and 1 storage . The sea sheperds have been intefeering with their whaling acts and have estimated to save about 304 whales .
It stared back in 2007 and by April 2008 they have slaughtered more than 1000 whales .

Many people may say 'Oh well its part of life and humans have to eat ' . 'We kill cows and chickens why isnt that wrong then' / Well
1st thing = can you breed whales smart ass? NO i dont think so ..
2nd thing = Whales are endangered especially humpback and blue whales .
3rd thing= You can breed cows and chicken

People nowadays all people think is 'Oh its part of life we have to live' But yet alot of you dotn realise how your actions affect the ecosystem . some people go ' Oh we need to fish some up ' I agree totally over population is something we have to avoid but we are OVER fishing everything out . people reply 'Oh its part of life' . what logic is that? The world land space was made only to feed 4 billion people but now we have 9 billion people living this earth and the population size is still increasing . if i say ' lets kill 5 billion of you ' would you be happy? NO! you'd go ' THATS INSANE AND HEARTLESS' well thats what you guys are saying for turtle eggs , sharks fin and whales . Screw you .

私達がべきであるものを知っているするか。 私達は捕鯨容器にすべての鮫のfinners、カメの卵のcolectorsおよびwhalersを集めるべきで、船にそれらのいまいましい自爆犯を置き、そしてそれらからたわごとを吹く。 それはそれらにレッスンを教える。 停止捕鯨に私を結合しなさい。 私達は絶滅からクジラ、鮫およびカメを救ってもいい。

Stop whaling , sharks finning and turtle egg collecting . We can save the world one step at a time .

Friday, October 16, 2009

Sharks Matter

I came across this blogger and he stands to amaze me . This is something i feel e all MUST know to change our perspective on sharks . Here is the FOUR things EVERYONE needs to know by Sharkmatter.

SO alot maybe lazy to click the link and all so here is part of his post .

1) Sharks do not represent a serious threat to human beings.

Yes, some people have died as a result of shark encounters, and any human death is a tragedy, but it is important to keep in mind the relative risk of a shark attack. Of the over 500 species of sharks worldwide, fewer than a dozen have ever been known to kill a human. In an average year, over 650,000 Americans die as a result of heart disease, giving me a 1 in 5 chance of dying of heart disease in my lifetime. In an average year, over 550,000 Americans die from cancer, giving me a 1 in 7 chance of dying from cancer in my lifetime. In an average year, over 40,000 Americans die in car accidents, giving me a 1 in 84 chance of dying in a car accident in my lifetime. In an average year, 1 American dies from a shark attack, giving me a 1 in 3,748,067 chance of dying from a shark attack in my lifetime.

Again, any human death is a tragedy, but when you have a 1 in 5 chance of dying from heart disease and a 1 in 4 million chance of dying from a shark attack, should we really be so concerned about the threat to us that sharks represent?

Millions of Americans spend time in the oceans each year. Sharks have been evolving incredible sensory systems, part of what makes them such incredible hunters, for over 400 million years. They can also swim a great deal faster than we can. If they wanted to attack humans, a lot more than one American a year would be killed by a shark. Sharks are simply not a serious threat to us.

2) Sharks are important to the health of the oceans.

Without them, many ocean ecosystems, including several that are vital to the economy, are in danger of collapsing. This collapse would have devastating ecological and economic consequences… and some of these consequences have already started to happen. In addition to providing natural selection pressure and allowing only the fittest to survive by preying upon the weakest, sickest, and smallest fish, sharks are also important to marine ecosystems in other ways.

In the Outer Banks of North Carolina, tiger shark populations have declined over 97% since 1972. One of their prey items, the cownose ray, has skyrocketed in population without tiger sharks to eat them. These cownose rays eat scallops… and with so many more rays, the scallop population of the Outer Banks has all but collapsed. This is bad news not only for the numerous other organisms that eat scallops, but also for the thousands of people who used to work as scallop fisherman.

A similar event took place in Tasmania. Massive declines in shark populations led to an increase in octopus populations, since there are so many fewer sharks preying on them. These octopus eat, among other things, Tasmanian rock lobsters. The Tasmanian rock lobster fishery is now almost completely gone.

A more complex shark decline related ecosystem destabilization, this one taking place in coral reefs, has led to a decrease in algae-grazing parrotfish populations… and a huge increase in algae. Algae in the Caribbean is starting to take over reefs, killing coral. Coral reefs are home to thousands of unique species of fish and invertebrates, and they generate billions in ecotourism dollars worldwide. This algae takeover is one of the biggest threats facing coral reefs, and food chain destabilization as a result of shark population declines is one of the biggest causes of algae takeover. Losses of sharks are directly related to the destruction of coral reefs.

3) Sharks are in serious trouble.

Many shark species have declined in population over 90% in the last 25 years.

Bycatch is one of the biggest threats facing sharks. While fishing for other species, sharks are caught by accident and are killed.

Another major threat facing sharks is finning. Sharks of many species are caught, their fins are cut off, and the still-living rest of the shark (far less valuable than the fin) is dumped overboard to bleed to death or drown. This brutal and unsustainable practice provides material for shark fin soup, a Chinese delicacy associated with celebration. The fins, which are made of cartilage, add absolutely no flavor or nutritional value whatsoever to the soup. By some estimates, over 100 million sharks a year are killed for their fins.

4)Human beings are better off with sharks than we are without sharks, and we are in danger of losing them forever… but you can help!

The absolute most important thing that you can do to help, you are already doing just by reading this. Learn all you can about sharks, their ecological and economic importance, and the threats they face. Pass on what you have learned to others. Public education will help far more sharks than these guys ever will. The more people that know about this, the better off sharks will be!

I hope this helps to change your prespective on sharks . They are magnificent creatures and need to be conserved =) Stop the finning . Say no to sharks fin .

Friday, October 2, 2009


Watch the vids alot of you guys may like it and maybe interested to learn to dive =)
Although know for its abundance of seafood its reefs and sea life still lives to amaze me . It brings a smile to my face that there is still reefs out there that seem untouched and are worthy to compete with Sipadan .
Indonesia is my next destination i wish to go to =)
From small creatures or macro diving to large creatures such as whale sharks Indonesia has it all =)

I hope i get to go there soon =) before the reefs are bombed and sea life fished out for dinner plates =)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Got My Tan

It was an all in all 22 hours spent on driving and another 2 hours spent on the boat ride in and out and it was worth it . I saw many new things even just by walking by the beach when it was low tide . Even saw blue-spotted octopus . Poisonous but a beautiful creature . There was also a Solar nudibranch supposedly rare . We had a barbeque 2/3 of the nights we were there . Lamb , Steak and lots more totally delicious . During the three dives i saw afew new things like a Solar nudibranch , snowflake moray ,purple stonefish and many more . HEre are some pictures .

Blue-ringed octopus . Rated one of the most venomous creatures in the world . Weighs an average of only 55g . There is no anti-venom if you get stung by this little creature .

Snowflake moray . Family of the moray eel and a hardy creature .

Cleaning shrimp in an anemone

The other pics are really big in size and take 2 long so i will upload them some other time .

Some pics i took myself . Hope you guys like it . Not really good with the camera cause this is my first time trying all these kind of shots so yea enjoy .

Friday, September 18, 2009

Pom Pom island

Good bye city
Im heading back to Pom Pom island early tomorrow morning at 4. This is my third time there and this time there is a catch . We are driving there 0.o hahah
Its a drive through Sandakan and Lahad Datu to the last stop Sempourna where we will take the boat to the island . Im going in with the owner David Goh , My father Anthony Wong and my uncle Yam . This time Ah Pin or Daniel is not there so im guessing there are afew changes around the resort . Cant wait to get there XD

So for those who dont know Pom Pom again i explain it is an island off Sempourna just 15 minutes a away from Mataking and maybe 45 minutes to Bunaken island which is already in indonesia . So its a beautiful palce both for diving and just relaxing so im going to leave you guys with some pictures before i end this post =) Reception there is crap so any messages or calls i will try my best to reply if not i will reply you as soon as i get off the island . See you =) Ill be back on tuesday evening .
One more thing
I bought new Green Rip Curl slippers XD heheh yea i know weird colour but i wanted to try something different :P

Its A Lifestyle

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Trials are over and excel is licking ym shoes

I just got back from a weekend at the Zen garden up in Kundasang . It was an okay trip with the Wong Clan (fathers side family) . HEre are some pics

SO excels are going on and i dont really care for it cause its not going in ym report card or affecting my spm . Im aiming for the light at the end of the tunnel and not work for some light from a torchlight . Anyways this saturday im going back to


PomPom island!!!
This time im going by car to Sempurna so that would take like 8 hours minimum =S leaving this saturday and coming back on tuesday evening =)

Friday, August 28, 2009

Simple man

The week has been long and tiresome but i hope it will pay off . Tomorow will be my outing day of escape from the room chair which i believe i am getting fat on and go out with lex and rek for some MAN food and MAN time XD heheh and also to cut my hair cuz its all thick and long in the middle XD

I totally miss diving . So many things to do so little time .
-Rescue Diving course
-Driving course

anyways i have nothing to talk about as usual so here are some pics XD

manta ray

pilot whales

Friday, August 14, 2009

2 Faced And Thrown Away

Never knew some people could just forget you or not care for you for weeks in just a flash . I believe its one sided . Imbalanced . Takes too much effort . I am tired and bored of being last on peoples list . Enough is enough .

The week has been quite odd but a great change for me =) something to awaken me to m surrounding environment and take my mind of the very recent past . Totally have nothing much to say =P

I joined the school Rubik's Cube competition and got number one
36.94 seconds =)
My fastest ever !

Proud of myself XD

I Got To Go
Tuition in the afternoon cause tonight have a wedding to attend along with tomorrow . =)

Sunday, August 9, 2009


It was well.


I dont understand why would people pay to go EVERY year =.= There were alot of underage people . As in not upperform which did not make the party as exclusive as it used to be . Not one to complain but well i wouldnt go back . Good thing its my first and last year there . Alot of people i bet went for 'popularity' and all that . Waste of time to go when everyone is going to make friends with the suposed 'popular' kids ............ The pressure of high school on some people . Just annoyes me sometimes .

So i was the most underdressed . Why?
Everyone was wearing formal shoes with long sleeve button shirt with a jacket and formal pants . Some even a semi tuxedo .
I went in long sleeved button shirt with jeans and sneakers . Ahuh . you cant look any better than that ;p

Did not take much pics . Did not really feel like it . Finished at 11 ish and went to upperstar fr half an hour or so ....
Conclusion: It was quite bad


Goodbye to
Gonna miss you couz. Hope you have a blast in Florida.


Saturday, August 8, 2009

Fine China {late update}

Here are some pic spams . I know i haven't been updating much but i just have nothing to talk about . Installation is tonight so i might have something to say tomorrow or something . So i deleted my last post because i decided not to bombarded some people as its just not worth my blog space . That's how insignificant some people are . Here are some pics .

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Chicken Balls

Ujian Setara is next week and i have been studying but i feel its a waste of my time . Why? Well its an hour each test and well its not the whole real paper so why put us trough the stress of wasting our weekend to study crap? All Saints YOU SUCK ..... From the stupid ass wasting my time rules to the teachers . When i put up my hair you guys cut it . When i put it down Cynthia threaten to demerit me cause liek there are those wild hair sticking out . Cynthia u are an idiot . its alread good enough i show you guys face and respect put my hair down and now you threatenme of demeriting me =.= STUPID . NVm next time when its after SPM ill grow my moehawk so long and sharp and when i come back to take my YEar Book or SPM results i will poke Lorna Mathew,Puan Yue And Cynthias eyes out wiht my Sexy moehawk . lets see wat you do when i make you blind.

Anyways i gtg . Back to studying to replace the time im gonna use up at Blue Note so yea tata . good luck in the tests guys.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

I Am So Red It Is So Not Funny

Today was an awesome day!
Went on my uncle's speedboat from Sutera Harbour . Went with Cesca,Andrew,Ben Nair,Ben Tan ,Eric and Jonathan Ngu .


Went for the chuk kin mien if that is how u spell it in lintas . Don't really care how it is spelt it jsut taste good even though one goes there alot . Sat in Ben Nairs Subaru again and i have to say it has REALLY good acceleration and handling . Beautiful car dude .
Went lazing around at deserted beaches and wakeboarding before hading to Mamutik for BBQ . Dude Eric cooks the best Lamb and sausages . Secret marination with so little ingredients . There was a a storm RIGHT when we finish packing our things in the boat so out timing couldn't have been more perfect . Good day . Good weather . My face is TOTALLY RED . It does not hurt but its jsut RED . And i think i am darker tan before XD

Neways i gt to go back to school tomorow whihc i totally am not looking forward to after such a good but tiring weekend . Gtg. GOing to hit the hays early today .
Till nwxt time .

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Haunting me

So i ran 7k run right after tuition and my aim was 35 minutes as set by my sister =)
BUT! in the beginning the little kids and everyone was walking BLOCKING the stupid way! so me and alex lost almost 5 minutes trying to squeeze through those idiots and the final time i finished is?!
Im pissy bout this .....

After that i went for a birthday party .
Happy birthday Eddie! =)

Friday, July 17, 2009

50 dives

This might be a little late but i have logged 50 dives =) Not bad in a time interval of almost 2 years =) so HAPPY 50th dive for me ! XD i have nothing to post :p

Here i will help promote my friends event =)

FREE ENTRY- Fine China back at Blue Note on Saturday , 25th July .Call Velinda for Table bookings and drink Specials at 0168025977.

So Fine China is a family friend of mine and is an awesome Deejay so i hope some of you guys will go and have a blast =)

(Picture from Fine China group on facebook)

Friday, July 3, 2009

What A Stupid Country

As most of you people already know i have been so inconveniently chosen for Nasional Service . What a bummer . What a waste of time .
Another scam just for the government to scam tax payers money to put more money in their pockets and up their butts . Even with the credit crunch and all countries are cutting down spending our country seems to spend its money so stupidly on a 3 month Nasional Service which is totally no use . MOREOVER NS is under a private sector (more money can be absorbed) .
Is our nation so blind that even corruption and over expenditure is not seen? Is our nation so driven by money and corruption that there is not a single politician out there that is ACTUALLY doing the right thing? Stupid . I do not mind going i can assure you . Im an outgoing guy and well abit of marching and kayaking aint going to kill me . Its the TIMING . 1st Batch is in December? How stupid is that! we finish our SPM and soon enough we have to rush to stupid papar or Kinarut to get out heads shaved and shouted at by Generals whos brains are no bigger than ours? What kind of sistem is that . I aint happy i can assure you . Why might you say?

People and politicians of Malaysia.
Do You Really Think That Putting Us Into Nasional Service Would Make Us ,Especially Me, Protect Your Country When Someone Attacks Us?
I wouldnt . It may be cruel to leave the country i live in to perrish but think about it . What good has this country brought me? Only racism and discrimination is all they emphasize on . and they arrest those who are rasist . Hypocrites!

Fact:(people who were chosen for NS)
The first class of SM ALL SAINTS 2009 (5A)
Chinese 10-20
Malays 0

The second class of SM ALL SAINTS 2009 (5B)
Chinese 10-20
Malays 1

The third class of SM ALL SAINTS 2009(5c)
Chinese 10-20
Malays 1

I am not being racist . This i can assure you . I am NOT being racist , These numbers are true . plus or minus one . I didnt put in indians cause well there arent any in the top 3 classes that i know off.

What does this show? Is the selection of students for PLKN really random? My Foot.
I mean im not racist and i treat eveyone the same but this? This is just 2 far . Get what i mean? Reasons why i want to move out . £$%^& this place .

Sunday, June 28, 2009


Went to the island with my sista n Robert . Sat ont he flying fish agen and it was alot funner this time cause it went like 90 degrees for a whole 15 minutes if i am not mistaken . I think the boat man liekd us and wanted to make us fall XD Stuck at home cause of school tomorrow. Sucks . Totally . I think i might be abit darker than i was so ill let you guys be the judge of that XD

I hereby declare that I , Joshua Wong, is unstopable as he has finished the MEGAMINX without any help from youtube or whatsoever . WHO THE MAN!

Miss Ngu's Star

Its Party On A Weekend And It Hasn't Stopped

My dad came back from China and he got me a 32gb pendrive =) AND he got me
Thats another tick off my wishlist =) THANKS DAD!

My sister came back 2 and brought a friend , Robert , who is going to be here for a week .
Yesterday we went jogging in the morning at Bukit Pagang and also climnbed the hill .
We also went to the museum to bring Robert and also i wanted to see the Whale bones . ITS HUGE!
Then after lunch we went sailing on our boat =) It was fun but coming back was a problem cause the wind died Xd
At night it was dinner at Nishiki with the family and then we moved on to Yaught Club to mingle with the aunts and uncles for awhile then we moved on to Shamrock for some Rugby with Ben Nair they all and soon after BarSu .
Going to the island now . Ill blog bout that later . Bubye.
*Wished you could have come

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Dreams . Are They True? Are Theye Trying To Tell Me Something?

Weird aint it how dreams sometimes become a reality =) Have you ever wondered why those nightmares never come through? I have had the same perfect dream for almost a year now ofcourse not daily moreover last night it joined with marine life . I know werid after last nights post but somehow the dream makes me happy =) i think Derek knows what i always dream about . its somethign i cant control . Weird aint it . But i feel much better than last night cause of the dream =)
Dreams are what most of us look forward 2 and hopefully all our dreams come through =)

P.s : if youc ant read the title cause its 2 long . it says

It's Not About The Times We Breathe
It's About The Times That Take Our Breath Away.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Oddly Emo

I realise i regret my past and i cant let go of it nor forget it . I wish i did things differently . I wish i didnt ruin the chance i had with people. I wish well i did not meet come people which ruined everything . How can i forget something i still dwell in . How can i forget something that still seems to be a part of me. How can i make it up to u people? How can i fix back the wrongs i have done and get back what i treasured so much . Would it make my future today a better place or would it end me up somewhere else? So many people go . Oh forget about the past . The future holds you life .
But if the future holds my life if i did somethign different in my past would my future be better? Would i end up with the right person? The right job? The person issue has haunted me over and over whether i did the right thing or not and why do i regret it NOW? The job issue just scares me to think off. Day after day people ask me what job i want to do in my future . Well technically i usually answer 'somethign tod o with my hands , water,makes money,good family,sports car' all of which seem to be a lot to ask for but it is VERY possible . i am torn between two parts of my future which id so lvoe it to be one . EASY LIFE-WAHT I LOVE . It seems both dont go well which each other . Ofcourse an easy life would mean i can do what i love AND i TOTALLY agree. But i cant help to think that when i get into UNI maybe id just not wan to study without conciously knowing cause its not really something i always wanted to do . But yet my mind tells me IT is the right choice and IT IS THE RIGHT CHOICE but yet my mind wanders everyday whether id be happier on the otherside of the fence . These two questions constantly ring in my mind .. i know my mind knows the answer but my concious seems to think otherwise ..


So today is a good day for me as well im in good shape in gunz . My swords seems to ahve improved and i am happy with myself =) i killed keng 8-2 when he used only pistols then when he brought his sg it went to 13-11 so yea its a good day fr me . Plus i killed Alex once or twice WITH the help of my buddy KENG XD Happy and good day for me . Although later i went to a free channel 1 room and some people kept calling me a sword noob altough i killed them well MULTIPLE times with DBF . Even after afew kills they still dont get the poiunt that they jsut suck and they find excuses like OH UR LAGGING when they are lagging to me and also OH YOU SUCk when i killed them jsut with a sword and they used guns =.= Why do people in this world have no shame? wat to do .... these peoples egos must be brought down whether in real life or games . It would amke the world a more peaceful , carefree, free of asswhipes and less bullcrap =) so anyways that all i wanted to say that my Gunz today seemed to be better than normal =) nitez guys . Love ya .

PS: please click on advertisement if possible or if ur kind to make me some money =P

Friday, June 19, 2009

Sunday, June 14, 2009

School starts

I dont want to go to school!!
Lazy to blog . Have fun XD see ya babes tomorow ..
Im gonna miss my smooth stressless face
The time i went diving
Sleeping late and waking up late .

How i want life to come to a halt . But school is tomorow and we have to face it.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


As you an see i actually figured out how people make the long strip of pictures thingy . I know it needs to be perfected but hey i suck at these kind of things so CLAPS for me XD The past few days for me have been erh UNproductive . Maybe it has been just that i have not been doing what i wanted to do the whole holiday . Obviously it is diving XD I finished and binded my Add Math folio already . YAY! So i have nothing to talk about today . And i dont want to go on about what i did the whole day cause well thats just BORING! moreover i cant find anythign that can top my last post which is ADAM LAMBERT IS GAY xD

So here is a vid or two of underwater scba diving in hope to interest some of my friends to take up diving as a hobby or jsut try it out =) Diving makes me happy and id like my friends to feel that happiness and share it with me =) so for those who dont knwo what you can see under there well here are short clips so very MINIMAL of the spectacular things found underwater only at ONE dive resort which is Layang layang . Enjoy =)

This is a whale shark . Beautiful creature . Some of them come to Kota Kinabalu waters once a year around March . Yet to see one =)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Adam Lambert is gay! HAHAHAH

I know i jsut updated jsut now but who cares i got something to say and im going to make it load .

Adam Lambert is Gay!

It Came Out From His Own Mouth In An Interview With Rolling Stones.

Go read the newspaper. He admits to even making out with guys and that it should not be a surprise to others because he has been gay for some time . He even said he liked Kris Allen . What a homo .

For all those Adam Lambert fans who i said he was gay and you went
No he is not! He just dresses like a rocker . He is cool !

Well im sorry to say it to you but .


And you guys just got OWNED XD

Angels and Demons

For months i have been waiting to watch it . My long wait has ended . With the help of RM10 for 3 DVD's i have satisfied myself by watching . So this is what i thought about it and those of you who havent watched it and dont want me to spoil it for you (Derek) i suggest you dont read this post until you have =)

The movie was AWESOME! Sheer genius i believe! I have read the book and well they cut out alot of parts from it . Even important characters and twist of the story but still i LOVED it! Tho they should have put in the line 'Smells Like Heaven Burns Like Hell' as it is written in the book when they saw the candles which he burned himself with .

So many of you i believe who read the book are well dissapointed . Most of us usually are as they cut parts out and this spesific time even a character! Well you shouldnt be Angels and Demons lovers . Why might you say that? How to you expect a director to fit such a MAGNIFICANT book filled with SO MANY TWISTS into a 2 hour movie . ITS IMPOSSIBLE! Alot may go . Why not make the movie longer ? Atleast 3 hours? Id pay to go watch that .
Well you have to think of the amount of money needed to spend to make that extra hour of movie . The movie business isnt jsut about pleasing you guys . Its about making money to support the workers living . The director has to balance both pleasing you and helping his workers put food ont he table for them . Its a hard job .

The absence of Kohler was a bummer i know but yet the director managed to twist the story just abit more to substitute another small but yet fitting character into his place . Sheer genius i tell you . The beggining was a cut short version of the story book buy hey the book version was long and well i think it would take up the whole 2 hours JUST for the beginning .

There is only ONE thing i did not like about the movie . I was devastated when Robert Langdon did not hook up with Vittoria . That was well dissapointing as every ending to EVERY Dan Brown book has a HOOKING UP ending which gives it its special twist .

So what im trying to say is that people do not be dissapointed int he movie cause well because of all the reasons i just gave you =) it might not change your perspective on the movie but atleast i tried =)

I really believe it was a good movie hope you guys did 2 =)
*Although 5 minutes of the show was in french with french subtiteles . I cant complain cause well thats what ya get for being cheap XD

I got Terminator Salvation and well the 17 movie Zac was in . I wasnt going to watch it as well i dont like ... Well i know you guys might hate me for this but .. I dislike High School Musical ... THUS disliking Zac... but i bought it cause well it was RM 10 for 3 and i didnt know waht other movie to pick or that my dad already had .

Anyways . I got to go do nothing . This week has been a bummer as compared to last week but im a lucky boy . Missing Diving tho .

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


I know this might just be weird but hey as i told you im really interested in sharks as compared to other sea creatures except manta rays and afew others XD so here are vids id love to share wiht you .

This is a hexanchus sharks . Rare finding ats its real huge . For more info go to wikipedia and look it up .

This one is abit weirder . ITs called a mega mouth sharks . Suposed to be a one in a bilionth chance of sighting . Its the first footage taken by the navy on a megamouth .

Monday, June 8, 2009

Back and still packed

Holy Crap
Its been a week passed and i already am exhausted! Lack of sleep and lost of time running around and making jokes . There are 6 days mor to the holidays and well it does not look like anything is going to slow down for me anytimes soon .

Video Project
Additional Math project
Chemistry homework

I want to go diving just for a day in Kota Kinabalu but i cant find any free day anymore =.= What a hell hole we live in . Im packed everyday and i aint liking it . Dudes the cyber plannign don't ask me . Im not planning it cause im to tired and exhausted to start messaging all of you and all so like ask Someone else . Not me .

So anyways .
Youth camp was good . I enjoyed the company i had throughout the camp . Thanks to Adrian Ling he locked us out of the room with the key in the room even before the sessions started XD
I cant say mcuh cause well its hard to describe the camp . No pictures will be uploaded as i did not take any =)

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Mantanani Hangover

Im darn ass tired from the trip and missing it both at the same time . I slept at 10 last night suprising for me who would usually Gunz with Derek and Alex till midnight atleast . THe reason is well i di not slepe much during the trip . " much fun and i had little time to enjoy it and no time to lose . This morning my mum woke me up off all the days . The day i could sleep the most she woke me up .
I went for tuition reluctantly as i owuld have rather gone to for lunch with Billy they all but oh well life is life . As i came back from tuition at 4.30 i went back to sleep . Tired i am .

At night i went to my cousins birthday dinner . Soon headed to Rumba to clelebrate with the younger people


What im saying is im still tired from the Mantanani trip and well im leaving tomorrow again for the Youth camp . Honestly i aint looking forward to it . Its not in my top 10 list of things i wanted to do during the holidays but oh well i paid for it and well im going . There goes 3 days . I knwo cruel to say i don't want to go for youth camp and get closer to God and all but this holiday im packed up and there are other things that i want to do which i cant do during school days .
Lunch with friends
And yes i do choose those over youth camp cause i can get closer to God during weekends . I cant do those things very often during weekends cause well everyone is always busy . Why did i even sign up for it in the first place . Maybe i just wanted to stay closer but i wouldnt bet on it . Oh well . Here comes a lonely 3 days of smilling and small talk as i cant click with no one in church i'll be honest with you . Its not that they arent cool its just no sparks or something i dont know .

Its 2.30 right now and well i got to go to bed soon i guess... Havent packed finish . Goodbye guys . See ya in 3 days or so . MEssage me . I'd be bored anyways .

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Mantanani Craze

I just got back from Mantanani and i had a blast!

For those who do not know Mantanani is an island juse of Kota Belud which is an hour and a half drive and another half an hour boat ride from KK .

I went with Brenda , Billy , Kah Mei , Brandon , Cham and Eddie (Goku) XD

It was a really funny and eenjoyable trip . There was this 2 guys who i thought were a gay couple but it turned out they were doctor friends from Kuching . Quite nice people from the short conversations i had with them .

And if you ahvent realised i marked somethign off my wishlist / See A Marble Ray

Back to the trip .
Brenda's friedns are really funny!
The trip was filled with Gayness .
I couldn't stop laughing at the lame jokes that they made including Goku XD

1st time
*3 in the morning
Goku : (translation from chinese to english) * Switches on the light in the room when everyone is sleeping* WAH! VERY COLD VERY COLD ! *Makes sex sounds while standing up with his hands in his shirt due to coldness *

Everyone: *BLurr* Switch off the aircon laaaaa.... (half asleep)

Goku : Erhhhh . erhhhhh . Dont want la . Goodnight. *Switch of light and goes back to sleep*

2nd time
*Not sure what time
Goku: *Switch on light*

Everyone : WOI! Close the light!

Goku: Hahahah wo yao qu xiao bian! *Walks to the toilet and pisses* *walks out lies down then swithces of the light*

I know like this it does not seem funny but in realy life it really is XD I cant explain the faces and his actions that jsut made it that funny hahahaah .

I did 5 dives but all the other

All the othere teenagers did not dive cause they dont know how to so they kayaked .

So here are some pictures . I dont know how to explain the trip mroe so yea .

Brenda and I (on the way back to Kota Belud)

Eddie(Goku) Hes funny XD

Brenda, Billy The Cutest as he wrote in my handphone and I

Random picture they decided to take

Me and Brandon
*Kah Mei and Billy as Kalefei

Word of the day
Ta nainai